New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

How can drivers stay safe in New Orleans’ wet weather?

On Behalf of | Feb 4, 2016 | Car Accidents

For much of the country this time of year, driving in the snow is a major challenge. However, here in New Orleans, snow is not nearly as much of a concern as rain, ice and flooded roads. Learning to drive safely in wet weather is not only a beneficial skill to have; it could potentially save a life.

Avoiding auto accidents should be everyone’s priority no matter the weather, but unfortunately there are more than enough drivers out there who drive carelessly regardless of conditions. Especially in wet conditions, these drivers can pose a huge risk on local roads. Keeping in mind some wet-weather driving safety tips may help one steer clear of a damaging car accident.

According to AAA, there are many things motorists can do to increase one’s odds of staying safe when it’s wet outside. One of the biggest risks during rain is visibility; ensuring one’s wiper blades are clean and the wipers are in good working order can help immensely, as can always remembering to turn on headlights when driving in any amount of rain. If a wiper blade doesn’t get a car’s windshield clear in a single swipe, it’s probably time to replace the wipers.

A car’s tires also contribute greatly to driving safety, particularly during wet weather. Both depth of tread and inflation level of a tire can affect a car’s manageability when driving in rain or on ice. One common test is to stick a quarter, upside down, into one’s tire tread. If one can see past Washington’s head its likely time to invest in new tires.

Additional safety steps in wet weather include not using cruise control; avoiding slamming the brakes if in a skid; staying in the tracks of the car ahead; and simply slowing down and not following too closely. AAA notes that wet pavement contributes to over a million car accidents annually. Those who have been struck by negligent drivers in a winter rain or ice storm may be entitled to compensation for serious injury, pain and suffering and more. A lawyer skilled in auto accident cases can be of service following a wet weather wreck or other incident.

Source: AAA Exchange, “Wet Weather Driving Tips,” accessed Jan. 30, 2016
