New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

Fetal distress: Signs your Louisiana obsterician should recognize

On Behalf of | Aug 9, 2019 | Firm News

Having a baby is often an exciting time in a woman’s life. If this is your first child, you are likely a bit anxious or nervous as well as excited. Even if you’ve already given birth one or more times in the past, you no doubt understand that every pregnancy is different and problems can arise at any time. This is one of many reasons it’s so important to attend prenatal visits on time.

Whether you are working with a licensed obstetrician or midwife during pregnancy, as a trained medical team member, he or she should know how to recognize possible signs of fetal distress. Appropriate action depends on various factors and events that happen to be unfolding in a particular set of circumstances. If a medical team member is negligent, you or your infant may suffer serious, even life-threatening injuries.

Prenatal conditions that put medical teams on alert

While it’s true that fetal distress or a pregnancy problem may develop suddenly and unexpectedly, there are certain prenatal issues that definitely signify the possibility of fetal distress. The average obstetrician or midwife would be able to recognize these issues and know what to do to help keep you and baby as safe as possible. The following list shows some problems that would cause concern:

  • If your prenatal blood work shows that you are anemic, it is definitely a condition your doctor or midwife will want to closely monitor as it may prompt fetal distress.
  • Maternal hypertension or high blood pressure is also a concerning health condition that would place the average obstetrician or midwife on alert for signs of possible fetal distress.
  • Your due date is important as well because infants who are born at 42 weeks or after are at risk for certain fetal distress problems.
  • For your baby to stay healthy and safe in utero, there needs to be a sufficient amount of amniotic fluid. If there are insufficient fluid levels, your child is at risk for fetal distress.

There are additional issues and problems that may surface at any time that would alert your medical team to a fetal safety risk. Prompt-acting, quick-thinking team members are often able to avert serious problems, perhaps even saving a mother’s or infant’s life.

Negligence can have disastrous results

When you entrust your health and the safety of your unborn child to licensed or certified care providers, you have the right to reasonably expect that those in question will act according to the highest level of accepted standards to help you and your baby have a safe pregnancy, labor, delivery and recovery.

If you or your child suffer injuries that you believe medical negligence caused, you might feel betrayed, angry or frustrated. While no two situations are exactly the same, other Louisiana parents who have gone through similar experiences may relate to your feelings. In fact, many of them have gone on to seek justice by filing medical malpractice claims in civil court.
