New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

Impaired driving doesn’t always involve alcohol

On Behalf of | Jul 30, 2020 | Car Accidents

It’s no mystery that drinking and driving has its fair share of dangers. When a good amount of alcohol runs through one’s bloodstream it can impact coordination and judgement. As such, alcohol consumption prior to going behind the wheel may increase the chance of crashing. However, it could be shocking to hear that being tired and driving isn’t a much safer combination.

In fact, if you miss just one night of sleep and drive, then you may drive as if you have a blood alcohol level of .10, which is above the legal limit. Essentially, both drunk and drowsy driving can delay your reaction time and cause a collision. It’s important for motorists to understand how drowsiness can mimic alcohol impairment by being mindful of the signs and refusing to go behind the wheel when they aren’t feeling well-rested.

Signs of drowsiness

Basic signs of sleepiness can be a hint that you are in a drowsy state. But, it’s worth a reminder that if you are nodding off, constantly yawning, your eyelids feel heavy and you are experiencing difficulty staying in your lane, then you should try to pull to the side of the road as soon as you can. You’ve probably made it home safely feeling tired behind the wheel before, but that’s not a great excuse to take your chances. It’s better you take longer to get home by recharging with a nap or calling someone to pick you up instead of continuing your route while feeling sleepy.

Change of habits

Instead of putting yourself and others in a dangerous situation through drowsy driving, tweaking daily habits can help in the long run. This can include working your way out of sleep deprivation, napping earlier in the day if you sense you are feeling sleepy and not drinking excessive caffeine that masks your level of exhaustion.

Taking the time to correct poor habits is probably less painful than dealing with the aftermath of a major car crash.
