New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

What are the most dangerous states for teenage drivers?

On Behalf of | Apr 22, 2024 | Car Accidents

There are multiple reasons why it can be more dangerous for teenagers to drive than adults. One of the most concerning issues is the lack of experience on the road. Young drivers often don’t know how to handle sudden changes in traffic conditions and could make mistakes that lead to preventable collisions.

Young adults also have brains that are not yet done growing, which can affect their decision-making abilities. Teenagers are at higher risk of getting into a crash, and collisions are one of the leading causes of death among young adults in Louisiana and across the United States. According to a recent review of crashes involving young motorists, some states see far more tragedies involving teen drivers than others.

Louisiana is one of the least safe states for teen drivers

According to a crash analysis looking at the number of people who die in crashes, the percentage of teen drivers and the number of arrests conducted for impaired driving involving teenagers, Louisiana is the third most dangerous state in the country.

Every year, roughly 25 teenagers per every 100,000 teens in the state die in crashes. Nine teenagers for every 100,000 in the state get arrested for impaired driving. Low rates of seat belt usage may contribute to the state being one of the deadliest places for younger drivers.

There are other locations where young drivers face similar or worse risk levels. The other states with a statistically higher degree of risk for teen drivers include:

  • Michigan
  • Rhode Island
  • Colorado
  • Florida

Insurance rates and driver’s training programs in these states may reflect the higher level of risk when compared with other states.

What does this mean for families?

Teenagers who turn 15 in Louisiana are often eager to begin driver’s training and to learn how to operate vehicles safely. Unfortunately, parents may have to push back on those desires. Particularly when young adults have a history of poor impulse control or other challenges, getting behind the wheel as early as possible may not be the best choice.

Parents often need to implement very strict rules for teen drivers and take other steps to minimize the likelihood of a deadly or life-altering collision. Seeking compensation is often necessary when teenagers get hurt or worse in car crashes. Parents who understand the risks are in the best position to protect their young drivers and to take appropriate action if a crash does occur.
