New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

Pedestrians are now at increased risk of frontover crashes

On Behalf of | Mar 30, 2024 | Pedestrian Accident

Pedestrians have to share the road with motor vehicles, which can be quite dangerous. They have nothing protecting their bodies from the force of impact, meaning that crashes between pedestrians and cars often lead to tragic outcomes for the pedestrians involved. Serious injuries and death are possible even when crashes occur at moderate speeds. Pedestrians should understand this risk and do their best to minimize it by consistently following traffic rules. They also need to watch vehicles carefully when jogging on the road, crossing at a crosswalk or passing through parking lots.

In recent years, there has been an alarming increase in a particular type of pedestrian collision. Frontover crashes that occur at relatively low speeds have become far more common than they were just a few years ago. Pedestrians walking near businesses and in residential neighborhoods may need to learn about frontover collisions for their own protection.

What is a frontover crash?

Pedestrian collisions often take place at intersections when someone crosses the street. Drivers may not slow down or stop, leading to a high-velocity crash. Frontover collisions are different because they often involve vehicles driving at low speeds. They may occur where driveways meet the road or sidewalks and in parking lots.

They essentially involve a driver moving forward despite a pedestrian’s presence nearby. Often, vehicle design is the main contributing factor to frontover collisions. SUVs and other large vehicles are particularly dangerous for pedestrians. The higher front end of the vehicle can affect visibility and the distribution of force during a crash. The move toward smaller windshields for occupant protection during collisions can also contribute to frontover crashes. Drivers may not be able to spot pedestrians approaching on the sidewalk or in a parking lot due to the large blind spots around windshields.

Although frontover crashes do not involve high speeds, they can often lead to people breaking bones or hitting their heads. Brain injuries can cause life-altering consequences or lead to someone dying.

Pedestrians involved in frontover crashes, and those who lose loved ones in such collisions, may need to hold a negligent driver accountable for unsafe conduct. Pursuing a personal injury lawsuit or an insurance claim is often a reasonable reaction to this kind of pedestrian crash.
