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3 times people involved in a crash require a medical evaluation

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2024 | Car Accidents

Individuals involved in Louisiana collisions often worry about the disruptions a collision inspires. People might miss a day of work or important appointments because of a collision. The longer it takes to complete the crash reporting process after the collision, the greater the chances that people avoid taking important protective steps in their eagerness to move on with their days.

Seeing a doctor after a car crash is not mandatory, but it is often a smart decision. Those who receive proper evaluation can establish the underlying cause of their symptoms and get treatment more quickly. A prompt diagnosis can also help people obtain financial compensation after a wreck. The following are some of the warning signs that an individual should see a doctor for diagnosis after a recent crash.

The need to tow a vehicle

If a crash was severe enough to render a vehicle unsafe to drive, it could also potentially generate very concerning injury symptoms for someone in the vehicle. Certain injuries are hard to diagnose at first, and people can gauge their degree of risk by the extent of the damage caused during the crash. More vehicle damage often directly translates to increased injury risk.

A fainting spell or similar incident

One of the most important warning signs of a potential brain injury is that someone loses consciousness during or after a crash. Brain injuries may begin developing immediately after blunt-force trauma to the head but may not generate consistent symptoms until days or even weeks later. Anyone who passes out during a crash is likely at elevated risk of a brain injury.

When someone is older, younger or otherwise vulnerable

Certain people have a greater risk of serious injury in a crash than others. Children and older adults are often particularly vulnerable. Those with prior injuries or certain medical issues, like hemophilia, could also be at additional risk when compared with numbers of the general public. Even when people initially feel fine after a crash, those who are at higher risk of developing severe injuries or failing to identify warning signs in themselves, including children, may need professional assistance to rule out the possibility of a serious injury.

In a perfect world, anyone involved in a potentially devastating incident like a car crash would feel comfortable seeking out medical evaluation afterward. Recognizing that one is at elevated risk of a particularly poor outcome might help people better respond after a crash occurs.
