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Year: 2019

Keeping teen drivers safe

Many parents may feel a mix of anxiety and excitement when their teens get old enough to learn how to drive. While getting a driver's license is an exciting sign of growing independence, it may also introduce new risks into a teen's life. While car accidents involving...

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Welcome To Our Blog

We established this blog to share stories and information about topics relevant to our practice. Our intent is to regularly provide posts highlighting legal issues of local, state and national interest that we think you will find interesting. Check back later for...

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Drive safe around cyclists

Riding a bike is a good way to get around Louisiana, and there are more cyclists on the road when there is warmer weather. Because bikes are harder to see, there is an increased chance of collisions with other vehicles. To keep things safe, drivers need to understand...

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Simple tips for staying a safe driver

Driving in and around New Orleans is not always a leisurely activity. Many times, you have likely found yourself astounded at people's actions while they are behind the wheel of a vehicle, and you probably had a few close calls when someone runs a red light or...

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