New Orleans Personal Injury Attorneys

Distracted Driving Accidents

Texting while driving and other forms of distracted driving cause significant dangers to everyone on the road.

At Bruno & Bruno, we understand the laws and the dangers involved with texting while driving. Although everyone knows the dangers, people continue to text while driving, increasing the risk of motor vehicle accidents for everyone.

Serving Louisiana clients in the South Shore from our office in New Orleans and the South Shore from our Covington office, our attorneys will fight for you if you have been injured or lost someone you love due to a distracted driver. We have a proud tradition over 60 years of finding a way to win for our clients.

Because they are so focused on instant communication, people forget the significant dangers involved with operating a car, truck or other motor vehicle, making texting while driving one of the most common causes of auto accidents.

Creating A Winning Case For You

When we take on accident cases that potentially involve texting while driving or other uses of cellphone technology, we get the facts as soon as possible. Once we determine the cellphone service provider, we can uncover the usage history of the phone — including phone calls, texts, online activity and other distracting activities. By aligning the timing of cell usage with the accident, we can establish causation and help build a winning case for you.

Contact Bruno & Bruno ∙ Free Initial Consultations

Do not wait to talk with an attorney. There is urgency for any accident case, but it is even more increased in these cases because the cellphone could be destroyed, as well. Call us today at 504-525-1335 (800-966-1335 toll free) or contact us online to schedule your free consultation with an experienced lawyer from our firm.